YSL的奢華緞面鏡光唇釉儼然已成為品牌下唇彩中重點的重點,每一年針對奢華緞面鏡光唇釉於季節彩妝中,甚至是新色推出的repush,都是不遺餘力。2013年的春妝「礦彩謎光」到2013的夏妝「紫醉金迷」,都能見到奢華緞面鏡光唇釉的新色。同樣的,2012年的New Vintage系列,一次再推出全新6色的奢華緞面鏡光唇釉,並搭配7色的奢華緞面唇膏,和6色的時尚配件漆皮指甲油,這次2013秋天,YSL將再針對奢華緞面鏡光唇釉去打造出全新的Nudes概念。
NUDE總是美妝中最討喜的顏色,常都能看見各品牌針對NUDE去推出一系列的頰彩、唇膏甚至是指甲油,這次YSL的NUDE,不再只是乖乖地NUDE,更是一種帶點叛逆膩感的NUDE,所以取名為Rebel Nudes,無論如何,就連NUDE都能打造出BE YSL, BE MYSELF的美妝時尚態度。
Glossy Lip Stain Rebel Nudes – New – $34.00
Glossy Stain Rebel Nudes captures the revolutionary formula of Glossy Stain and combines with Euphotic Colored Light technology to allow light to pass through and give an all day luminous 3D effect. First, highlight lips with Touche Eclat to give a plump lip look. Apply Glossy Stain Rebel Nudes to the bottom and top lip without blotting. Allow color to dry on lips for all day shine. Repeat routine for a more dramatic shine look. Wear a Rebel Nude alone or apply on top of your favorite Glossy Stain for a new color and revolutionary 3D effect!
#101 Nude Provocateur
#102 Corail Mutin
#103 Pink Taboo
#104 FuchsiaTomboy
#105 Corail HoldUp
#106 BeigeAnarchist
#107 Naughty Mauve
#108 ViolineControl
#109 FuchsiaFugitiv
#110 Reckless Pink
Nail Polish – $25.00
There are 8 new shades available but here are some of my favorites:
#22 Beige Leger
#21 Taupe Retro
#12 Rose Renaissance
#25 Rose Romantique
YSL 於高雄漢神本館盛大開幕(台南7/29)推薦必買清單
YSL 2013紫醉金迷夏季限量/彩霞,薄暮,綠洲,撒哈拉
遲來的YSL 2013 礦彩謎光春妝/美麗的流光色彩