- 本日人氣:
- 累積人氣:
目前分類:電影心得 (111)
發表時間 | 文章標題 | 人氣 | 留言 |
2008-02-16 | 曼哈頓奇緣 Enchanted | (56) | (0) |
2008-02-12 | P.S. 我愛妳 P.S. I Love You | (120) | (0) |
2008-01-30 | 我的藍莓夜 My Blueberry Nights | (316) | (0) |
2008-01-23 | 醜聞筆記 Notes on a Scandal | (221) | (0) |
2008-01-20 | 把愛找回來 August Rush | (135) | (0) |
2008-01-13 | 贖罪 Atonement | (58) | (1) |
2008-01-10 | 投名狀 The Warlords | (26) | (1) |
2007-11-08 | 最遙遠的距離 | (32) | (0) |
2007-10-04 | 色,戒 Lust, Caution | (190) | (2) |
2007-09-04 | 料理絕配 No Reservations | (226) | (0) |
2007-08-04 | 連體陰 Alone | (25) | (0) |
2007-08-01 | 當我們"假ㄍㄟˋ"在一起 I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry | (158) | (0) |
2007-07-24 | 變形金剛 Transformers | (13) | (0) |
2007-07-12 | 哈利波特:鳳凰會的密令 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix | (301) | (0) |
2007-05-26 | 神鬼奇航3:世界的盡頭 Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End | (275) | (0) |
2007-05-17 | 小太陽的願望 Little Miss Sunshine | (53) | (0) |
2007-05-12 | 玩美女人 Volver | (152) | (0) |
2007-05-11 | 他和她的男人 L' homme de Sa Vie | (116) | (0) |
2007-05-10 | 死亡筆記本:決勝時刻 Death Note: The Last Name | (280) | (0) |
2007-05-07 | 死亡筆記本 Death Note | (48) | (0) |
2007-04-21 | 當我們同在一起 | (97) | (0) |
2007-03-31 | 淚光閃閃 Tears for You | (104) | (0) |
2007-03-28 | 亡命感應 Premonition | (80) | (0) |
2007-03-28 | 多羅羅:天下之戰 Dororo | (31) | (0) |
2007-03-18 | 日本沉沒 Sinking of Japan | (55) | (0) |
2007-03-17 | 我的超人女友 My Super Ex-Girlfriend | (118) | (0) |
2007-03-14 | 巴黎我愛你 Paris, je t'aime | (165) | (0) |
2007-03-12 | 放.逐 | (17) | (0) |
2007-03-11 | 美麗待續 An Unfinished Life | (117) | (0) |
2007-03-08 | 神鬼無間 The Departed | (44) | (0) |
2007-03-07 | 邁阿密風雲 Miami Vice | (254) | (0) |
2007-03-06 | 傷城 Confession of Pain | (30) | (0) |
2007-03-05 | 傲慢與偏見 Pride and Prejudice | (75) | (0) |
2007-03-05 | 賴家王老五 Failure to Launch | (224) | (0) |
2007-03-04 | 盛夏光年 ETERNAL SUMMER | (115) | (0) |
2007-03-04 | 頂尖對決 The Prestige | (56) | (1) |
2007-03-04 | 命運好好玩 Click | (25) | (1) |
2007-03-03 | 黑色大理花懸案 The Black Dahlia | (110) | (0) |
2007-02-28 | 當幸福來敲門 Pursuit of Happyness | (88) | (1) |
2007-02-24 | 地海戰記 Tales from Earthsea | (32) | (0) |
2007-02-11 | The Holiday 戀愛沒有假期 | (162) | (0) |
2007-02-05 | 國王人馬 All The King’s Men | (444) | (0) |
2007-01-05 | 玩命記憶 Unknown | (212) | (0) |
2006-12-28 | 火線交錯 Babel | (62) | (0) |
2006-12-23 | 博物館驚魂夜 | (33) | (0) |
2006-12-08 | 香水 PERFUME | (85) | (0) |
2006-11-19 | 007首部曲:皇家夜總會 | (115) | (0) |
2006-10-04 | 邪降:惡魔的藝術 | (84) | (0) |
2006-09-16 | 偵探們的鎮魂歌 | (55) | (0) |
2006-08-12 | CLOSER | (30) | (0) |